The Africa Internet Summit 2019 (AIS'19) took place in Kampala, Uganda, from 9 to 21 June 2019. Over 740 people participated in training sessions, workshops, tutorials, parallel meetings, policy development discussions, plenary sessions, elections and networking events. The meeting was organised by AfNOG and AFRINIC and hosted by NFT Consult. The organisers would like to extend their heartfelt thanks to the AIS'19 sponsors, partners and donors and attendees whose continued dedication and support ensure that the AIS remains one of the region's leading ICT events.
We look forward to seeing you all in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), for the AIS'20, scheduled for 31 May to 14 June 2020.
The AIS'19 agenda can be found here. Click on the Info section to see the presentation slides and videos for each session.
Meeting statistics can be found here.
Session recordings (17 - 21 June only) can be found here.