Opening Ceremony


Frank K. Tumwebaze, Uganda's Minister for ICT and National Guidance, addressing delegates during the official opening session

The official AIS'19 Opening Ceremony took place on Monday 17 June at 16:00. Officially opened by Uganda's Minister for ICT and National Guidance, Frank K. Tumwebaze (MP), the session also addressed by Mr Badru Ntege of NFT Consult, the meeting's local host, AfNOG convener Prof. Nii Quaynor, and Christian Bope, the AFRINIC Chair. The Opening Ceremony was followed by a Welcome Cocktail sponsored by the Ugandan Internet Exchange Point.

See session recordings here.

See session transcript here.

AIS'19 Training Sessions

The AIS'19 had various trainings sessions on 9-17 June. The trainings, conducted by teams from AfNOG and AFRINIC, offered a range of courses, workshops, tutorials and panel discussions in English and French on topics including cybersecurity, infrastructure, internet measurements monitoring, routing, CSIRT, IPv6, and Internet number resource management among others. Over 400 people benefited from the trainings. An overview of all of the training sessions can be found on the agenda.



Yaovi Atohun from ICANN addressing the delegates

This was the fifth annual ICANN Day in a row. The day was set aside to discuss ICANN's role in the Internet governance ecosystem and its engagement in Africa. The day offered presentations, keynotes and panel discussions whose main aim was to address global and regional DNS issues such as:


  • ICANN Ecosystem
  • IDNs, Universal Acceptance
  • Evolution of Registry and Registrar Activities in Africa, Local case scenarios,
  • Cybersecurity: DNS as a Critical Component of a Secure and Reliable Internet
  • Ensuring Effective Participation of the African Community in ICANN 
  • An update by GSE Africa on ICANN's Africa Strategy Implementation


Nick Tomasso, ICANN's Managing Director of the Istanbul office, presented on various services offered in the Middle East and the Africa region. Participants were later hosted to an ICANN welcome cocktail.


Women in Technology Summit

The AIS'19 Women in ICT Forum was held on 15 June 2019 at the Kampala Sheraton Hotel to share knowledge, best practices and success stories. Known as AFCHIX, the one day Women in Technology Summit, was organised by AfNOG and AFRINIC . The Summit was sponsored by, among others, SEACOM, ICAAN, MOZILLA, Anita Borg and ISOC. This Summit was the third of its kind following previous ones held in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dakar, Senegal, in 2017 and 2018 respectively. More than 120 women participated in the meeting.


The third Hackathon@AIS meeting also took place during the AIS. The event attracted more than 100 participants who took part in five different tracks at the event. The event has grown from three tracks and 39 participants in 2017 and three tracks with 75 participants in 2018. The aim of the Hackathon@AIS and other open standards promotion activities in the African region was to identify, encourage, and expose engineers from Africa to open Internet Standards development and contribute to the developments at such organisations as the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

AfricaCERT workshops

AfricaCERT organised five days of capacity building. The session focused on creation and maturity of Computer Security Incident Response teams (CSIRTS). AfricaCERT, in partnership with the Global Forum of Cyber Expertise, the West and Central Research Education Network, and the African Network Operator Group, helped organise the Internet Infrastructure Day

 The AfricaCERT 15 workshop was held on 9-16 June 2019 and attracted 46 participants from 16 African countries. Seven participants attended closed online streaming sessions called traffic light protocol white.

GFCE Workshop


Participants at the GFCE Workshop

Triple-I (the Internet Infrastructure Initiative) is a GFCE Initiative aimed at enhancing trust in Internet and email through open internet security standards and sharing good practices at the global level. Triple-I organises capacity building workshops in different regions with the support of the GFCE community, as well as from members of the global “technical community”. The Initiative seeks to stimulate local action by facilitating awareness-creation and capacity building in the region, and thus setting local priorities. The meeting drew participation from governments, the technical community, Internet service providers, business and academia to explore opportunities and commit to action.

On 16 June, the African Internet Summit hosted the GFCE Triple-I Internet Infrastructure Security Day for the second year in a row. This workshop was supported by AFRINIC, AfricaCERT, AFNOG, WACREN, ICANN, Internet Society, and the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate. The workshop aims at enhancing trust in the use of Internet and email in the region. Participants in this workshop included global and regional experts, and regional Internet stakeholder groups from the government, business and technical sectors, who all contributed to finding solutions to strengthen an open end-to-end Internet. This is the fifth of a series of workshops organised globally, after Dakar, Senegal (also hosted by the African Internet Summit), Almaty, Kazachstan (hosted by RIPE NCC), New Delhi, India (hosted by INSIG and the Indian Ministry of Electronics and IT), and Daejeon, South Korea (hosted by APRICOT).

Speakers at GFCE Triple-I @AIS2019 included, among others, Alain Aina, Maarten Botterman, Nii Quaynor, Yurie Ito, Michuki Mwangi, Adiel Akplogan, Kevin Chege.

The results and outcomes will all be shared on the Triple-I event website, including a livestream of the event provided by Internet Society.


AIS'19 Newcomers Session


Brice Abba from AFRINIC speaking at the Newcomer's Session

On 17 June, first time meeting attendees were given a comprehensive introduction to the AIS'19, the AFRINIC Meetings and the AFRINIC community. Discussions centred on the various organisations and stakeholders that make up the African  – and global  – Internet sector, what AFRINIC is and does, the AFRINIC community and the bottom-up policy development process.

AfGWG Meeting

Government representatives and regulators from Africa met for the AFRINIC Government Working Group (AfGWG) Meeting on 17 June to discuss issues relating to government involvement in Internet development and use. Topics included cybersecurityInternet Measurementspolicies among others.

AfNOG Session


Prof. Nii Quaynor, the AFNOG Convener, speaking at the Summit

On 18 June, the meeting started with the African Network Operators' Group (AfNOG) session. Several presentations on issues such as IPv6, Internet Measurements, Peering, Internet governance and Internet of Things were made. The session also included messages from several Internet pioneers to celebrate 20 years of AfNOG.

Some of the presentations made were:

Funding Your ISP — Capital for Connectivity - Jim Forster

What is IoT - Uli Raich

12 Steps for IPv6 Deployment in Governments and Enterprises - Jordi Palet Martinez

Survey of Internet Measurement platforms in Africa- Musab Isah

RIPE Atlas presentation - Lia Hestina

Africa's role in promoting Internet Governance- Dianah Ajuna Byaruhanga

Combining Open Source and Open Standards - Charles Eckel

Deployment of IPv6 in Mobile networks - Samuel Miruka

Connecting Africa to the Cloud - Michele McCann

OpenSUSE MicroOS- Ish Sookun

AIS Tutorial - VXLAN BGP EVPN - Jide Akintola

KINIX acteur et catalyseur de développement de l'écosystème Internet local - Nico Tshintu Bakajika 

Building an internet-based business in Africa: real-life experiences from Tunga - Ernesto Spruyt

Presentations can be downloaded from the info section here.

See session recordings here.

See session transcript here.


Policy Day


AFRINIC's Policy Liaison Ernest Byaruhanga kicking off the discussions on Policy Day


Policy Day took place on 19 June. With a packed session and several policy proposals to discuss, the session began with policy overviews from each of the other four RIRs. The day continued with discussions on the following current policy proposals:

  • Multihoming not required for ASN 

This proposal modifies the CPM by inserting a clause in 7.2, stating that organisations needing a globally unique ASN must demonstrate a unique routing policy or a plan to interconnect with one or more other Autonomous Systems. If the organisation demonstrates that it will meet any of these requirements criteria within six months upon receiving the ASN, then it will be eligible.

The proposal was sent back to the list for further discussion.

  • Policy Proposals: IPv4 Inter-RIR Legacy Resource Transfers IPv4 and Inter-RIR Resource Transfers (Comprehensive Scope)

The first policy proposal - IPv4 Inter-RIR Legacy Resource Transfers allows AFRINIC to receive any kind of IPv4 resources, but be able to transfer only to other regions, those IPv4 resources which are strictly legacy. The second policy proposal - IPv4 Inter-RIR Resource Transfers (Comprehensive Scope) allows for bi-directional transfer any kind of IPv4 resources. The two proposals address concerns by some people that all IPv4 resources in the region will disappear if the door for transfers is open. Such concerns are addressed by the first proposal so that only legacy space can exit the continent. The author noted that whichever proposal is accepted will automatically get the other proposal abandoned.

There was no consensus. These two proposals need additional discussion, therefore return to the discussion stage on the mailing list.

  • Policy Proposal: SL-Update

The proposal advances to Last Call.

  • Policy Proposal: IPv6 PI Clarification

The proposal advances to Last Call.

  • Policy Proposal: Abuse Contact Policy Update

No consensus - The proposal needs additional discussion, therefore returns to the discussion stage on the mailing list.

  • Policy Proposal: Internet Number Resources review by AFRINIC

No consensus - The proposal needs additional discussion, therefore returns to the discussion stage on the mailing list.

  • Policy Proposal: Provisions for Resource Hijacking

No consensus - The proposal needs additional discussion, therefore returns to the discussion stage on the mailing list.

  • Policy Proposal: AFRINIC Policy Development Process Bis

No consensus - The proposal needs additional discussion, therefore returns to the discussion stage on the mailing list.

PDWG co-Chair Elections 

Election for PDWG co-chairs to replace both Sami Salih and Dewole Ajao were held. The session was led by Serge-Parfait Goma, the chairperson of the 2019 Nominations Committee, who told delegates that there were eight nominees for the two positions. The nominees presented were:


  • Mark Elkins
  • Caleb Ogundele
  • Komi ELitcha
  • Sami Hassan
  • Moses Serugo
  • Taiwo Oyewande
  • Ikechukwu Anthony Ubah
  • Abdulkarim Oloyede


After candidates spoke to the delegates, the elections committee conducted a voting exercise where participants were asked to select their two preferred candidates. The candidate with the highest number of votes got the two-year term, and the runner-up a one-year term.

The following were declared winners:

Moses Serugo (UG) was elected for a two-year term, from June 2019 to June 2021.

Abdulkarim Oloyede (NG) was elected for a one-year term from June 2019 to June 2020.


ASO/AC Elections

The chair of the nominations committee presented the following candidates:

  • Mike Silber
  • Mustafa Ben Jemaa

The candidates were seeking to replace Omo Oaiya whose term expires at the end of 2019. Mike Silber of South Africa was elected for a three-year term, from January 2020 to December 2022.


Open Policy Microphone

Dewole told delegates that the open MIC sessions is meant to allow for comments deferred during the day, as well as others from the remote participants and those that could have been raised via mailing lists. Some of the issues raised are captured below:

  • Revisit the code of conduct and how it is enforced. Many comments on the list and at the meeting violate the code. Delegates said commentators should not be rude and hostile to each other because that poisons the PDP environment and engagements. The code of conduct at LACNIC suffered similar problems before its development of the Acceptable Use Policy. Calls were made to develop a similar policy.
  • Co-chairs were advised to use their powers to sanction rude and disrespectful behaviour.
  • CPM does not state how the PDWG co-chair election process should be conducted. It states that the community should participate but does not state who constitutes the community. This needs clarity.
  • Several people thanked the new co-chairs for good performance.
  • Outgoing co-chairs were urged to provide support to the incoming ones. Incoming co-chairs were advised to seek advice and consult where and when necessary.
  • Thanks to Alan Barrett, the outgoing AFRINIC CEO, for a job well done.
  • There is a need to encourage greater participation in mailing list discussions.
  • There should be informal but open meetings to discuss policy proposals days before they are presented to help enhance inclusion and participation.
  • There is a need to recognise remote participation in various initiatives, including policy discussions and elections.

Presentations can be downloaded from the info section here.

See session recordings here.

See session transcript here.

The minutes of the Meeting are available here.




Alan Barrett presenting the AFRINIC activities report 

During the 20 June 2019  AFRINIC AGMM, elections were held for five Board seats and one Governance Committee seat.

The results were:

Board Elections
There were 189 valid votes in total (59 on-site + 130 online).

Board Seat 1 (Northern Africa):
Habib Youssef: 172 votes (56 on-site + 116 online)
Cherkaoui Leghris: 15 votes (1 on-site + 14 online)
Abstentions: 2 on-site
Result: Habib Youssef was elected to serve a three-year term from mid-2019 to mid-2022

Board Seat 2 (Western Africa)
Ly Ousmane: 77 votes (17 on-site + 60 online)
Dr. Emmanuel Adewale Adedokun: 110 votes (40 on-site + 70 online)
Abstentions: 2 on-site
Result: Dr. Emmanuel Adewale Adedokun was elected to serve a three-year term from mid-2019 to mid-2022

Board Seat 5 (Southern Africa)
Vika William Mpisane: 151 votes (21 on-site + 130 online)
Abstentions: 38 on-site
Result: Vika William Mpisane was elected to serve a two-year term from mid-2019 to mid-2021

Board Seat 6 (Eastern Africa)
Robert Ford Nkusi: 150 votes (20 on-site + 130 online)
Abstentions: 39 on-site
Result: Robert Ford Nkusi was elected to serve a two-year term from mid-2019 to mid-2021

Board Seat 7 (Non-regional)
Ojedeji Oluwaseun Samson: 112 votes (45 on-site + 67 online)
Benjamin Adzenyamebeye Eshun: 77 votes (14 on-site + 63 online)
Abstentions: 0
Result: Ojedeji Oluwaseun Samson ws elected to serve a three-year term from mid-2019 to mid-2022

Governance Committee Election
There were 62 valid votes in total (42 on-site + 20 online).
There were 40 spoilt ballots on-site.
The online voting system did not allow for spoilt ballots (by design), and did not allow for abstentions (due to a mistake in configuration)

Governance Committee Seat 1
Laurent Ntumba Kayemba: 62 votes (42 on-site + 20 online)
Abstentions: 0
Result: Laurent Ntumba Kayemba was elected to serve a three-year term from 1 January 2020 to 31 December 2022


Alan Barrett, AFRINIC's CEO, provided the AFRINIC Activities Update. This was followed by presentations on AFRINIC's finances and budget for 2018. Highlights included:

  • Total Membership statistics peaked at 1666 members in 2018
  • Total Membership fee income grew by 8.4%
  • A net Surplus of $ 1,302,000 (2017: US$ 839,000) was recorded for the financial year to 31 December 2018
  • The results have made it possible to further increase the Strategic Cash Reserves to $ 1,878,000 in Fixed Deposits.
  • Total Reserves reflected a growth of 37.7% (2017: 32.1%), increasing to $ 4,756,000 from $ 3,453,000 in 2017

The AFRINIC Board also presented Board activity updates and other financial updates. 

  • Board Activity Update 
  • AFRINIC Activities Update 
  • Financial Update
  • Audited Report/Financial Statement
  • Appointment of Auditor for 2019
  • Presentation of 2019 Budget 

View slides.

Detailed minutes and the recording of the meeting will be available on AGMM section of the AFRINIC website shortly.

The Day also saw presentations by AFRINIC staff on the services on offer at AFRINIC.

View slides by clicking on individual presentations here

Open Mic Session with the Community


Dawit Bekele and Michuki Mwangi from the Internet Society led with the community in examining issues relating to AFRINIC governance.

Session recordings for the day here.

Session transcript for the day here.

Other Presentations AFRINIC-30 Plenary


The AFRINIC-30 plenary sessions closed on 21 June, with updates from the APNIC, RIPE NCC, followed by those from IANA and ASO.


Mercy Ndegwa from Facebook presenting on Delivering Value through Data - An African Perspective 

Mercy Ndegwa from Facebook made a presentation, titled 'Delivering Value through Data - An African Perspective'. This was followed by presentations on AFRINIC's Fees review by Mr S. Moonesamy, an AFRINIC Board member, and a report on the Governance committee by Mr Abdalah Omari. 

Find links to all presentations can be found here

See session recordings here.

See session transcript here


Closing ceremony


Nico Tshintu Bakajika making a presentation on Kinshasa, DRC, the next AIS venue 


The meeting announced that the next AIS meeting will be held in Kinshasa, DRC, in 2020. This was followed by the announcement of the AIS survey winner. Four hundred (400) people filled the survey.

AIS'19 was officially closded by Dr Nii Quaynor and Alan Barrett. 

Gala Dinner


Mr Badru Ntege from NFT Consult, the host of AIS''19,  speaking at the dinner


The AIS'19/AFRINIC-30 Gala Dinner took place on 19 June. Over 300 people attended the dinner which showcased the rich local culture, music, food, and dancing.

A tribute was given to Mr Alan Barrett for his contribution at AFRINIC and to the Internet community. Mr Alan Barrett will be leaving AFRINIC at the end of July 2019.

A cake was offered to celebrate AfNOG's 20th anniversary.


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